
Showing posts from July, 2012

Election Season

Image by  Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay   On June 28, 2004, I did my duty as a Good Citizen and walked to my local school to vote in the federal election.   I then forgot all about it, including who I voted for; because that’s the nature of my relationship with politics.     It takes a lot of energy for me to make an informed decision at election time; which doesn’t leave much energy left over to actually remember my decision.   When making the informed decision, most of my information comes from my friends and family; who, as an entity, have a wonderful variety of views.   So varied are their opinions that, in a post-election discussion about our choice of Canadian leaders, I’m less likely to be asked the question “who did you” than to be confronted with “you didn’t!!” Still, I’m glad that I entered adulthood with a strong sense of the value of the vote. All the life-long encouragement was there: adults dancing around...